Course Curriculum

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    • Chapter Overview

    • Font vs Typeface

    • History of Type

    • Anatomy of Letters

    • Categorizing Type

    • How to Use Type

    • Summary: Typography

    • Pop Quiz: Typography

    • Follow Along Exercise: Typography

  • 3

    Elements of Design

    • Chapter Overview

    • Line

    • Shape

    • Space

    • Texture

    • Colour

    • Summary: Elements of Design

    • Pop Quiz: Elements of Design

    • Follow Along Exercise: Elements of Design

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    • Chapter Overview

    • Understanding Colour

    • Colour Terminologies

    • Colour Theories

    • Colour Psychology

    • Summary: Colour

    • Pop Quiz: Colour

    • Follow Along Exercise: Colour

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    Principles of Design

    • Chapter Overview

    • Balance

    • Rhythm

    • Proportion

    • Contrast

    • Unity

    • Summary: Principles of Design

    • Pop Quiz: Principles of Design

    • Follow Along Exercise: Principles of Design

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    Grid Systems

    • Chapter Overview

    • History of Grids

    • Grid Anatomy

    • Types of Grids

    • Summary: Grid Systems

    • Pop Quiz: Grid Systems

    • Follow Along Exercise: Grid Systems

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    Layouts & Compositions

    • Chapter Overview

    • First Principles

    • Psychological and Design Principles

    • Composition in Photos

    • Composition in Interactive Medium

    • Summary: Layouts and Compositions

    • Pop Quiz: Layouts & Compositions

    • Follow Along Exercise: Layouts and Compositions

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    Icons & Imagery

    • Chapter Overview

    • History of Pictorial Communication

    • Imagery with Layouts

    • Icons/Illustrations with Layouts

    • Summary: Icons and Imagery

    • Pop Quiz: Icons & Imagery

    • Follow Along Exercise: Icons and Imagery

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    Finale: Visual Communication

    • Chapter Overview

    • Why Communicate Ideas

    • Crafting Your Design Story

    • Summary: Visual Communication

    • Pop Quiz: Visual Communication

    • Follow Along Exercise: Visual Communication